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FABE 2022 Board Election

Tuesday, April 26, 2022 2:11 PM | Anonymous member

We have two leadership positions up for election to FABE's 2022-2023 Executive Board: President-Elect and Secretary. Polls are now open to FABE members in good standing. Voting will close Friday May 13, 2022.


- Candidate: Susanne Peña (candidate statement)


- Candidate: Cathy Rodriguez (candidate statement)

Role descriptions:

FABE President-Elect

3-year term, as follows:

Year 1: President-Elect [July 2022-June 2023] 

Year 2: President [July 2023-June 2024]

Year 3: Immediate Past-President (advisory role) 

The person elected to this position must make at least a two-year commitment. 

The first year of that commitment is spent as President-elect to begin in July, 2022. The President-elect will assume the role of President in July, 2023. 

  1. The President-Elect shall: 

  1. Assist the President in the administration of the Association business;

  2. Act as representative of the Association at all functions if the President is unable to attend;

  3. Assume temporarily the office and responsibilities of the President in the event of the absence or disability of the President;

  4. Oversee the operation of the annual conference and serve as liaison between the Board of Directors and the conference chairperson(s);

  5. In conjunction with the Treasurer and Conference Chairperson(s), prepare a projected annual conference budget to be presented at the annual meeting of the Board of Directors each year;

  6. Relinquish other positions held within the Association upon election;

  7. Automatically become the President in the year immediately following completion of the term of office as President-Elect.

2. The President shall:

a. Preside at all meetings of the general membership and Board of Directors;

b. Vote on any question in the event of a tie;

c. Act as representative of the Association at meetings with partner organizations and special events;

d. Be empowered to appoint any member of the Association to act as a representative of the Association with the views discussed and approved by the Board of Directors;

e. In conjunction with the Treasurer, prepare a projected annual operating budget;

f. Be ex-officio member of all committees; and

g. Perform all duties necessary to conduct the business of the Association as efficiently as possible.

The third year of the commitment is spent as the immediate past President and acts as an advisor to the Board. 

3. The Past President shall:

a. Serve one additional year on the Executive Board with full voice and vote; and

b. Act as advisor to the current President and the Board of Directors.



This term is for two years, beginning in July, 2022. The position will end in June, 2024. 

The Secretary shall:

a. Keep an accurate account of all meetings of the Board of Directors, and general membership, with minutes and accounts maintained on a file accessible to the Board (e.g., Google doc); 

b. Maintain an accurate list of the names and addresses of persons and organizations to be notified of meetings; and

c. Receive, organize, and communicate amendments of the FABE bylaws to the Board and to the general membership in a timely manner as indicated in the section below on Amendments. 

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