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Florida Association
for Bilingual Education

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  • Tuesday, January 23, 2024 9:56 AM | Ryan Pontier (Administrator)

    Join us for our upcoming 2024 FABE Conference! We'll be in Miami this year!

    We are also looking for presenters, so please scan the QR code and enter your information to be considered

  • Tuesday, April 26, 2022 2:11 PM | Drew Long

    We have two leadership positions up for election to FABE's 2022-2023 Executive Board: President-Elect and Secretary. Polls are now open to FABE members in good standing. Voting will close Friday May 13, 2022.


    - Candidate: Susanne Peña (candidate statement)


    - Candidate: Cathy Rodriguez (candidate statement)

    Role descriptions:

    FABE President-Elect

    3-year term, as follows:

    Year 1: President-Elect [July 2022-June 2023] 

    Year 2: President [July 2023-June 2024]

    Year 3: Immediate Past-President (advisory role) 

    The person elected to this position must make at least a two-year commitment. 

    The first year of that commitment is spent as President-elect to begin in July, 2022. The President-elect will assume the role of President in July, 2023. 

    1. The President-Elect shall: 

    1. Assist the President in the administration of the Association business;

    2. Act as representative of the Association at all functions if the President is unable to attend;

    3. Assume temporarily the office and responsibilities of the President in the event of the absence or disability of the President;

    4. Oversee the operation of the annual conference and serve as liaison between the Board of Directors and the conference chairperson(s);

    5. In conjunction with the Treasurer and Conference Chairperson(s), prepare a projected annual conference budget to be presented at the annual meeting of the Board of Directors each year;

    6. Relinquish other positions held within the Association upon election;

    7. Automatically become the President in the year immediately following completion of the term of office as President-Elect.

    2. The President shall:

    a. Preside at all meetings of the general membership and Board of Directors;

    b. Vote on any question in the event of a tie;

    c. Act as representative of the Association at meetings with partner organizations and special events;

    d. Be empowered to appoint any member of the Association to act as a representative of the Association with the views discussed and approved by the Board of Directors;

    e. In conjunction with the Treasurer, prepare a projected annual operating budget;

    f. Be ex-officio member of all committees; and

    g. Perform all duties necessary to conduct the business of the Association as efficiently as possible.

    The third year of the commitment is spent as the immediate past President and acts as an advisor to the Board. 

    3. The Past President shall:

    a. Serve one additional year on the Executive Board with full voice and vote; and

    b. Act as advisor to the current President and the Board of Directors.



    This term is for two years, beginning in July, 2022. The position will end in June, 2024. 

    The Secretary shall:

    a. Keep an accurate account of all meetings of the Board of Directors, and general membership, with minutes and accounts maintained on a file accessible to the Board (e.g., Google doc); 

    b. Maintain an accurate list of the names and addresses of persons and organizations to be notified of meetings; and

    c. Receive, organize, and communicate amendments of the FABE bylaws to the Board and to the general membership in a timely manner as indicated in the section below on Amendments. 

  • Friday, December 24, 2021 4:40 AM | Drew Long

    FABE is excited to announce our 2nd Annual Virtual Conference, to be held January 29, 2022 - 9:00am-2:00pm EST. The theme is "Tangible Translanguaging: From Concept to Classroom". Registration is free for FABE members and $20 for non-members. 

    This will be an informative and inspiring event including practical tips for teachers you don't want to miss. We will also feature a panel discussion with practicing bilingual educators. See more information below, and register today! 


    9:00AM-2:00PM EST


    Tatyana Kleyn

    Translanguaging as a Non-negotiable: Moving Toward Linguistic Inclusion Across Educational Settings


    Cecilia M. Espinosa & Laura Ascenzi-Moreno

    Courageous Steps: Implementing Translanguaging in the Literacy Classroom

    Please note that login information for the conference will be shared by email prior to the event the week of January 23-29. Make sure to confirm the email address associated with your event registration, and look out for event updates and announcements. Thank you!

  • Wednesday, March 03, 2021 12:27 PM | Drew Long

    FABE announces first in upcoming series of "coffee hour" meetings.

    In these short sessions, discussions will take place around topics related to advocacy and the inclusion of different languages and language groups. Each session will be led by a panel of specialists with an opportunity for participants to ask questions.

    Our first coffee hour will be held on March 25th, from 7:00-8:00 ET.

    The theme will be the development of dual language programs in Spanish/English and Haitian Creole/English. 


    • How can districts begin dual language programs?
    • What role do communities play in the development of dual language programs?
    • How are funds obtained?
    • How important is leadership support?
    • As FABE members, how can we advocate for teacher credentials in bilingual education?


    Ms. Josie Medina, Sr. Director for Multilingual Services (Orange County Public Schools)

    Dr. Belinda Reyes, Executive Director for Multicultural Curriculum, Instruction, and Compliance (Osceola County School District)

    Dr. Peter McFarlane, Adjunct Professor (Fordham University) and Educational Consultant (PLM Consulting Services, Inc.)

    Nadilia Charles, Instructional Specialist, Department of Multicultural Education (Palm Beach School District)

    Zoom details will be sent out via FABE's listserv. If you are not on our listserv, please email to be added! 

  • Thursday, February 18, 2021 10:04 AM | Drew Long

    Thank you to everyone who attended FABE's first virtual conference on January 30, 2021!

    Thank you especially to our presenters for allowing us to share the recordings of their excellent presentations.

    The presentations can be viewed here on FABE's website.  

    See you at our next meeting!

  • Thursday, February 04, 2021 11:57 AM | Drew Long

    FDOE has informed all superintendents that ELs who have been learning remotely this year do NOT have to go to school to take the ACCESS test.

    FABE invites Florida educators to use the following letter shared from OCPS (available in English, Spanish, Haitian Creole, Portuguese and Vietnamese) to assist in disseminating  this information to parents. 

    Additionally, FDOE has extended the period for ACCESS testing until May 28, 2021. All students are recommended to take the test. However, FDOE respects that the decision to participate or not in testing is up to the parents or guardians of these students. The full text of this notification is available here.  

  • Tuesday, February 02, 2021 2:14 PM | Susanne Peña (Administrator)

    Hello FABE members,

    We wanted to share an invitation to tune in tomorrow morning for an important event for all US educators, especially those in bilingual and dual language programs. Tomorrow (Wednesday) morning, the confirmation hearing for Secretary of Education nominee Dr. Miguel Cardona will be streamed live. 

    Event details:

    Time: 10:00am EST, Wednesday February 3, 2021

    How to watch:

    Dr. Cardona, a Puerto Rican and a native Spanish speaker, was himself an English language learner when he entered public school in Connecticut. He has been an elementary school teacher, a principal and a university professor. With a masters degree in Bilingual and Bicultural education (as well as an EdD), he would be an articulate and understanding advocate for English language learners and bilingual education.

    Please tune in!

    FABE Executive Board

  • Friday, January 22, 2021 10:03 AM | Drew Long

    FABE shares agenda for first annual conference Saturday January 30th, 2021

    The full program is attached here. Register now!

    Speakers include: 

    • Dr. Mark Pacheco (University of Florida) 

    “Translanguaging: Pedagogies and Possibilities in Florida’s Classrooms”

    • Ms. Geri Chaffee (Director, Dreamers' Academy) 

    "Perseverance, Positivity, Performance and Patience: Bilingual Education Expanding in Florida"

    • Ms. Susanne Peña: 

    "Elevating Bilingual Education in Florida: Lessons from the Field"

    • Giselle Lundy‐Ponce (Colorín Colorado, American Federation of Teachers): 

    “Looking to the Future Post‐Pandemic—Challenges, Opportunities and Resources”

  • Tuesday, January 19, 2021 10:12 AM | Drew Long

    Hello FABE members and friends,

    The poll is open for our election for FABE President-Elect. We are pleased to announce the three candidates on the ballot.

    • Idalina Orta
    • Susanne Peña
    • Ryan Pontier

    Please find their candidate statements in the PDF attachment.

    Use this link to vote (you will need to log in using your member credentials; you can reset your password if you do not have this information).

    The polls are open on our website from Wednesday January 13 to Thursday January 28, 2021.

    Also, please note that only registered members of FABE can vote. If you're not a member, join FABE today!

    Thank you and best wishes,

    Drew Long

    Treasurer, FABE

    FABE President-Elect - candidate statements (2021).pdf

  • Tuesday, January 05, 2021 11:36 AM | Drew Long

    The Florida Association for Bilingual Education is urgently seeking nominations for the position of President-Elect (elections will be held later this month - January 2021). 

    We would especially love to see candidates who are practicing educators or educational leaders in K-12 dual language education in Florida. 

    Could you nominate someone for this position? (You can also self-nominate!)

    Here's how:

    • "Members who wish to nominate a candidate for consideration or to self-nominate should submit the following to the non-Executive Board member, Dr. Sara Smith at
      • Position for which the candidate would like to be considered
      • The full name and professional title of the candidate
      • The institutional affiliation of the candidate, if any
      • The candidate’s email address, and 
      • A 200-word biographical statement for the candidate (for the ballot)"

    We would be happy to speak directly with potential candidates to answer any questions or concerns. 

    Thank you for supporting FABE as we advance bilingual education for Florida in 2021. Happy New Year, and best wishes!

    Drew Long

    Treasurer, FABE [2019-2021]

    Research Coordinator,

    University of Florida - College of Education

    P.S. If you're not already a member, join FABE today and support bilingual education in Florida!

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