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[Update] Seeking nominations for FABE Board Annual Elections - 2021

Tuesday, January 05, 2021 11:36 AM | Drew Long

The Florida Association for Bilingual Education is urgently seeking nominations for the position of President-Elect (elections will be held later this month - January 2021). 

We would especially love to see candidates who are practicing educators or educational leaders in K-12 dual language education in Florida. 

Could you nominate someone for this position? (You can also self-nominate!)

Here's how:

  • "Members who wish to nominate a candidate for consideration or to self-nominate should submit the following to the non-Executive Board member, Dr. Sara Smith at
    • Position for which the candidate would like to be considered
    • The full name and professional title of the candidate
    • The institutional affiliation of the candidate, if any
    • The candidate’s email address, and 
    • A 200-word biographical statement for the candidate (for the ballot)"

We would be happy to speak directly with potential candidates to answer any questions or concerns. 

Thank you for supporting FABE as we advance bilingual education for Florida in 2021. Happy New Year, and best wishes!

Drew Long

Treasurer, FABE [2019-2021]

Research Coordinator,

University of Florida - College of Education

P.S. If you're not already a member, join FABE today and support bilingual education in Florida!

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